Protocol Reference

Protocols are similar to a Connection but operate over a known API instead of a shell connection. The protocol defines which API calls are available through the LAVA interface and the Pipeline determines when the API call is made.

Not all protocols can be called from all actions. Not all protocols are able to share data between actions.

A Protocol operates separately from any Connection, generally over a predetermined layer, e.g. TCP/IP sockets. Some protocols can access data passing over a Connection.

Using protocols from actions

Most protocols can be accessed from individually named actions from the test job submission using pre-defined commands. The list of requests supported by each protocol is shown in the reference for that protocol. Any action in the pipeline is able to make a request to a suitable protocol supported by the test job. If the test job uses namespaces, the action making the request needs to be in the correct namespace to have access to the correct parameters. LAVA provides no guarantee on when the request will be made within the runtime of the action and test writers should not rely on the request being made at the start of the action. Instead, specify the previous action in the same pipeline.


The syntax is similar but not identical to how protocols are accessed from within the protocols block. When accessing protocols from an action block, a list of requests can be made.

- deploy:
      minutes: 30
    to: fastboot
    namespace: hikey-oe
      - action: fastboot-deploy
        request: pre-power-command
          minutes: 2

See also

LXC protocol

MultiNode Protocol

This protocol allows actions within the Pipeline to make calls using the MultiNode API outside of a test definition by wrapping the call inside the protocol. Wrapped calls do not necessarily have all of the functionality of the same call available in the test definition.

The MultiNode Protocol allows data to be shared between actions, including data generated in one test shell definition being made available over the protocol to a deploy or boot action of jobs with a different role. It does this by adding handlers to the current Connection to intercept API calls.

The MultiNode Protocol can underpin the use of other tools without necessarily needing a dedicated Protocol class to be written for those tools. Using the MultiNode Protocol is an extension of using the existing MultiNode API calls within a test definition. The use of the protocol is an advanced use of LAVA and relies on the test writer carefully planning how the job will work.

    action: umount-retry
    request: lava-sync
    messageID: test

This snippet would add a lava-sync call at the start of the UmountRetry action:

  • Actions which are too complex and would need data mid-operation need to be split up.

  • When a particular action is repeatedly used with the protocol, a dedicated action needs to be created. Any Strategy which explicitly uses protocol support must create a dedicated action for each protocol call.

  • To update the value available to the action, ensure that the key exists in the matching lava-send and that the value in the job submission YAML starts with $

        action: execute-qemu
        request: lava-wait
        messageID: test
          ipv4: $IPV4

    This results in this data being available to the action:

    {'message': {'ipv4': ''}, 'messageID': 'test'}
  • Actions check for protocol calls at the start of the run step before even the internal pipeline actions are run.

  • Only the named Action instance inside the Pipeline will make the call

  • The MultiNode API asserts that repeated calls to lava-sync with the same messageID will return immediately, so this protocol call in a Retry action will only synchronize the first attempt at the action.

  • Some actions may make the protocol call at the end of the run step.

The MultiNode Protocol also exposes calls which are not part of the test shell API, which were formerly hidden inside the job setup phase.

lava-start API call

lava-start determines when MultiNode jobs start, according to the state of other jobs in the same MultiNode group. This allows jobs with one role to determine when jobs of a different role start, so that the delayed jobs can be sure that particular services required for those jobs are available. For example, if the server role is actually providing a virtualization platform and the client is a VM to be started on the server, then a delayed start is necessary as the first action of the client role will be to attempt to connect to the server in order to boot the VM, before the server has even been deployed. The lava-start API call allows the test writer to control when the client is started, allowing the server test image to setup the virtualization support in a way that allows attaching of debuggers or other interventions, before the VM starts.

The client enables a delayed start by declaring which role the client can expect to send the signal to start the client.

    request: lava-start
    expect_role: server
      minutes: 10

The timeout specified for lava_start is the amount of time the job will wait for permission to start from the other jobs in the group.

Internally, lava-start is implemented as a lava-send and a lava-wait-all for the role of the action which will make the lava_start API call using the message ID lava_start.

It is an error to specify the same role and expect_role to lava-start.


Avoid confusing host_role with expect_role. host_role is used by the scheduler to ensure that the job assignment operates correctly and does not affect the dispatcher or delayed start support. The two values may often have the same value but do not mean the same thing.

It is an error to specify lava-start on all roles within a job or on any action without a role specified.

All jobs without a lava-start API call specified for the role of that job will start immediately. Other jobs will write to the log files that the start has been delayed, pending a call to lava-start by actions with the specified role(s).

Subsequent calls to lava-start for a role which has already started will still be sent but will have no effect.

If lava-start is specified for a test action, the test definition is responsible for making the lava-start call.

- test:
    - from: inline
          format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
          name: lava_start
          description: "LAVA start"
          - lava-send lava_start

Passing data at startup

The pipeline exposes the names of all actions and these names are used for a variety of functions, from timeouts to protocol usage.

To see the actions within a specific pipeline job, see the job definition (not the MultiNode definition) where you will find a Pipeline Description.

Various delayed start jobs will need dynamic data from the “server” job in order to be able to start, like an IP address. This is achieved by adding the lava-start call to a specified test action of the server role where the test definition initiates a lava-send message. When this specific test action completes, the protocol will send the lava-start. The first thing the delayed start job does is a lava-wait which would be added to the deploy action of that job.

Server role Delayed client role
- lava-send ipv4 ipaddr=$(IP)  
- lava-start deploy
  - lava-wait ipv4
- lava-test-case boot
- deploy:
    role: client
      - action: prepare-scp-overlay
        request: lava-wait
            ipaddr: $ipaddr
        messageID: ipv4
          minutes: 5


Some calls can only be made against specific actions. Specifically, the prepare-scp-overlay action needs the IP address of the host device to be able to copy the LAVA overlay (containing the test definitions) onto the device before connecting using ssh to start the test. This is a complex configuration to write.

Depending on the implementation of the deploy action, determined by the Strategy class, the lava-wait call will be made at a suitable opportunity within the deployment. In the above example, the lava-send call is made before lava-start - this allows the data to be stored in the lava coordinator and the lava-wait will receive the data immediately.

The specified messageID must exactly match the message ID used for the lava-send call in the test definition. (So an inline test definition could be useful for the test action of the job definition for the server role. See Inline test definition example)

- test:
    - from: inline
          format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
          name: lava_send
          description: "LAVA send"
          - lava-send ipv4 ipaddr=$(lava-echo-ipv4 eth0)

lava-send takes a messageID as the first argument.

- test:
    role: server
      - action: multinode-test
        request: lava-start
          - client

See also Writing jobs using Secondary Connections.

Managing flow using inline definitions

The pipeline exposes the names of all actions and these names are used for a variety of functions, from timeouts to protocol usage.

To see the actions within a specific pipeline job, see the job definition (not the MultiNode definition) where you will find a Pipeline Description.

Creating MultiNode jobs has always been complex. The consistent use of inline definitions can significantly improve the experience and once the support is complete, it may be used to invalidate submissions which fail to match the synchronization primitives.

The principle is to separate the synchronization from the test operation. By only using synchronization primitives inside an inline definition, the flow of the complete MultiNode group can be displayed. This becomes impractical as soon as the requirement involves downloading a test definition repository and possibly fishing inside custom scripts for the synchronization primitives.

Inline blocks using synchronization calls can still do other checks and tasks as well but keeping the synchronization at the level of the submitted YAML allows much easier checking of the job before the job starts to run.

- test:
      - repository:
                 format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
                 name: install-ssh
                 description: "install step"
                     - openssh-server
                     - ntpdate
                     - ntpdate-debian
                     - lava-echo-ipv4 eth0
                     - lava-send ipv4 ipaddr=$(lava-echo-ipv4 eth0)
                     - lava-send lava_start
                     - lava-sync clients
        from: inline
        name: ssh-inline
        path: inline/ssh-install.yaml
- test:
      - repository: git://
        from: git
        path: lava-test-shell/smoke-tests-basic.yaml
        name: smoke-tests

This is a small deviation from how existing MultiNode jobs may be defined but the potential benefits are substantial when combined with the other elements of the MultiNode Protocol.

Marking some roles as essential

In many Multinode jobs, one or more roles is/are essential to completion of the test. For example, a secondary connection job using SSH must rely on the role providing the SSH server and cannot be expected to do anything useful if that role does not become available.

In the MultiNode protocols section of the test job definition, roles may be marked as essential: True. If any of the jobs for an essential role fail with an InfrastructureError Exception or JobError Exception, then the entire multinode group will end. (Pipeline jobs always call the FinalizeAction when told to end by the master, so the device will power-off or the connection can logout.)

  # expect_role is used by the dispatcher and is part of delay_start
  # host_role is used by the scheduler, unrelated to delay_start.
        device_type: beaglebone-black
        essential: True
        count: 1
          minutes: 10
        # protocol API call to make during protocol setup
        request: lava-start
        # set the role for which this role will wait
        expect_role: host
          minutes: 15
        # no device_type, just a connection
        connection: ssh
        count: 3
        # each ssh connection will attempt to connect to the device of role 'host'
        host_role: host


Essential roles activate when the job with that role terminates, not when the test shell definition containing the call to lava-sync or lava-wait fails. If there are more test shell definitions after this point, those would attempt to run.

Protocol requests from actions

  • lava-sync

      - action: prepare-scp-overlay
        request: lava-sync
        messageID: clients
          minutes: 5
  • lava-wait

      - action: prepare-scp-overlay
        request: lava-wait
            ipaddr: $ipaddr
        messageID: ipv4
          minutes: 5
  • lava-wait-all

      - action: prepare-scp-overlay
        request: lava-wait
            ipaddr: $ipaddr
        messageID: ipv4
          minutes: 5
    • lava-wait-all with a role:

        - action: prepare-scp-overlay
          request: lava-wait-all
          role: server
              ipaddr: $ipaddr
          messageID: ipv4
            minutes: 5
  • lava-send

      - action: prepare-scp-overlay
        request: lava-send
            ipaddr: $ipaddr
        messageID: ipv4
          minutes: 5

VLANd protocol

See VLANd protocol - which uses the MultiNode protocol to interface with VLANd to support virtual local area networks in LAVA.

Protocol requests from actions

  • deploy_vlans

      - action: lava-vland-overlay
        request: deploy_vlans

LXC protocol

The LXC protocol in LAVA implements a minimal set of APIs in order to define the LXC container characteristics that will be shared by actions during the life cycle of a job. The protocol also takes care of graceful tear down of the LXC container at the end of the job.

Protocol elements

    name: pipeline-lxc-test
    template: debian
    distribution: debian
    release: sid
    verbose: true
    persist: true

The characteristics of the LXC container is defined by the following data elements that are accepted by the LXC protocol:

  • name (mandatory) - Name of the container that needs to be created. The LXC protocol appends the job id along with the name of the container provided by the user, by default. For example, if the name is given as ‘pipeline-lxc-test’ and the submitted job id is 51, then the resulting transparent LXC container that will get created during the job execution would be ‘pipeline-lxc-test-51’. This appending of job id is in place in order to ensure job repeatability, ie., when the same job is getting submitted more than once simultaneously, this check will ensure unique name for the container.
  • template (optional) - Templates are per distribution based pre-defined scripts that are used to create LXC containers. Though there are many distribution specific templates that are available in LXC, LAVA supports a subset of the same. The following templates are supported, if no template is specified, by default download template is assumed:
    • download
    • debian
  • distribution (mandatory) - The distribution of LXC container that should be created, which applies to ‘download’ template. Though there is no effect when this is specified for the ‘debian’ template, it is a mandatory data element.
  • release (mandatory) - Specific release of the distribution specified above. When releases are other than codenames such as a version number, the value should be treated as a string, ie., when a number is specified, quote it, so that it will be taken as a string.
  • arch (optional) - The architecture of the LXC container that should be created, this is limited to the processor architecture on which the LAVA dispatcher runs on.
  • mirror (optional) - Specifies the Debian mirror to use during installation. This is specific to the ‘debian’ template. There is no effect when this is specified for the ‘download’ template.
  • security_mirror (optional) - Specifies the Debian security mirror to use during installation. This is specific to the ‘debian’ template. There is no effect when this is specified for the ‘download’ template.
  • verbose (optional) - Controls the output produced during LXC creation. By default the value is False. When verbose is set to True the LXC creation command produces detailed output.
  • persist (optional) - Persists the container if set to true. When the same name is used again, the persistent container from the previous test job will be used, instead of creating a fresh container. By default the value is false.

Protocol requests from actions

  • pre-power-command

      - action: fastboot-deploy
        request: pre-power-command
          minutes: 2
  • pre-os-command

      - action: uefi-commands
        request: pre-os-command
          minutes: 2