Unit tests are routinely run against each change in a review and again
nightly against the master branch, as well as during development.
However, unit tests cannot properly test the run()
functions or
performance of the code with real hardware. Two extra levels of testing
are available:
functions against static log
files. This is useful for devices which are not available to a
particular instance but will need updating if changes in the code
cause differences in the messages sent to the device.The LAVA UI is not part of functional testing. Wherever possible, unit tests are used for the UI. Functional testing relates to the code paths required to schedule, run and cleanup test jobs.
is a way of running idealized test jobs to test changes
in the LAVA codebase. It was developed to provide limited test coverage
when suitable hardware was not available. It can be used to provide
test coverage for code which detects unusual or intermittent behavior
by replaying a static log against changes in the codebase.
creates a DummySys device based on real log files and
then checks that the inputs from LAVA are correct for that specific use
is a python script that will:
Currently we test:
: Check that lava is sending exactly the same
set of commands and providing the right binaries (ramdisk, kernel,
dtb over tftp)tests/bootloader
: Check that lava is detecting and classifying
common bootloader errorstests/notitications
: Check that lava is sending the notifications
as expected (no irc or emails yet)Functional tests serve to check the changes in the codebase against unchanging test job images, resources, metadata, submitter and results running on real hardware.
Functional tests are similar to health checks and both differ from test jobs used elsewhere in your CI due to fundamentally different objectives.
Often, functional tests are developed from the sample test jobs submitted as part of code reviews to merge changes to integrate a new device-type. Unit tests will need all URLs to be permanent to be able to check the code being reviewed.
In particular, functional tests exist to test code paths involved in running test jobs which cannot be tested using other means, e.g. unit tests or meta-lava. Testing the LAVA codebase using real hardware is not without problems; infrastructure failures need to be isolated from the results and issues like resource starvation need to be managed. Where possible, testing the LAVA codebase needs to be done within the codebase using unit tests or using meta-lava.
Functional tests are measured on a binary Complete or Incomplete for each submitted test job.
For a successful run, the suite of functional tests provides a clean set of Complete test job results. To be able to identify all test jobs in the functional test run, always use a dedicated submitter for functional tests, distinct from user tests and other automated tests.
The overriding principle for a functional test is that the job is testing the LAVA software code, not the deployed system. This is similar to a health check which is designed to test the DUT and related infrastructure to provide an assurance that test jobs will be able to run successfully.
Image files used in functional tests need to remain static, and they need to be stored in static locations. Do not rely on files that may change easily, e.g. releases on snapshots.linaro.org. If you need those files, copy them to a stable location.
Use stable, unchanging tools (e.g from the stable release of a Linux distribution like Debian).
Use the deployment tools from the distribution to ensure that the behavior of those tools does not change unexpectedly.
Use checksums to ensure the downloaded files have not changed.
Separate out single and multiple deployment test jobs. If the DUT can support OE and AOSP or ramdisk and NFS, submit one test job for each variant as well as a functional test explicitly designed to test that the DUT can run a test in one environment and be redeployed with a new environment, if that can be supported.
Ensure that advanced LAVA software functionality is also covered by submitting representative MultiNode test jobs, especially if the staging instance is capable of supporting VLANd
Unreliable functional tests need to be triaged and removed if the problems cannot be fixed. This may lead to the underlying code support being deprecated or removed, including a device-type template.
Unreliable devices need to be triaged and test jobs using those devices removed from the functional tests if the problems cannot be fixed. If those devices are the sole use of a particular deployment method or boot method, then that code support needs to be reviewed and possibly removed.
If firmware has to be upgraded on devices and the functional test needs changes, create a new functional test with new metadata. Remove the old functional test unless devices running the old firmware remain available using a separate device-type.
Removing a functional test requires a review to remove source code support for a deployment method, boot method, device-type template etc.
Email notifications are optional but can be useful. Use sparingly to avoid flooding the developers with noise.
If a particular device or deployment method or boot method is not covered by at least one functional test, add a new functional test and/or add meta-lava support.
If a test job exists which cannot be made into a functional test, and meta-lava support is not available, the code support for the affected method will need to be reviewed with a view to probable removal.
Test job definitions also remain static.
for all known failure modes.Devices are checked as per the current master
Test jobs and use cases outside of these requirements can still be submitted on a regular basis but not using the same metadata or job submitter as the functional tests. Completion of these test jobs will not count towards the functional test report. Consider using the notification support to send email to developers when such tests finish in state Incomplete as there will be no other coverage for such failures.
See also
The LAVA software team will be setting up a dedicated frontend to run functional tests across multiple instances to increase the functional test coverage to include devices not available in the current instances.
This service will coordinate:
If your instance has a mix of devices, some with upstream LAVA support and some without (or with support in development / review), then one or more dedicated workers will be needed to work with the functional test frontend.
Any one piece of hardware can run multiple lava-worker
processes, as
long as the hostname
option is unique.
For functional testing, the worker will need to be running a specific build of the master branch, so docker based workers will need to be available.
During the functional tests, the relevant devices will be switched to the functional test worker in the relevant docker container (API is yet to be scoped) before test job submissions start. When all functional test jobs are complete, the devices are switched back to the original worker.
Currently, functional testing occurs on https://staging.validation.linaro.org/ and more work is needed to support combining results across multiple staging instances. More content will be added here as the relevant services are developed.