Detailed device information in LAVA Scheduler

Static device information

  • Hostname - The unique name of this device in this LAVA instance, used to link all jobs, results and device information to a specific device configuration. The name does not necessarily relate to a specific piece of hardware - administrators can replace hardware at any time without needing to change any device details.

  • Device type See device type.

  • Owner - If Restriction is not Public, submissions are

    restricted to the specified user or group. Administrators can restrict submissions by unchecking the Public option for the device in the admin interface.

  • Restriction - Public or a listed user or group set by the administrators.

  • Device tags - Device specific labels to allow test jobs to request specific hardware capabilities. A device tag can only be used in a TestJob if supported by a device of the relevant device type.

  • State - Device state

  • Health - Device state

  • Worker Hostname - The dispatcher which has a configuration file for a device matching the hostname. Note that this is the result of checking the network communication between the dispatcher and the server, not the serial connection between the dispatcher and the board.

  • Device dictionary - link to the device dictionary information.

  • Physical access - The user with physical access to the device.

  • Description - Free text description of this individual device. This field can be used to give more information about the device. This field can be edited by the lab administrators.

  • Device version - Optional field which can be edited by the lab administrators.

Device state


Describes the current device status which can be one of:

  • Idle - available for job submissions, subject to device ownership restrictions
  • Running - the device is running a test job. A link to the job will appear below this section of the page.
  • Reserved - the device is part of a MultiNode job but one or more other devices in the same job is not currently available. (Reserved is also used for single node jobs but the device quickly moves into Running.)


Health State

State of the health of the device, used to schedule a health check, if health checks have not been disabled for the device type. If the health status is Unknown, a health check will be run as soon as the device has finished any current job but before starting any other submitted job.

  • Good - the previous health check completed successfully. The device is available for immediate scheduling.
  • Unknown - the device has not run a health check, either because a health check has not been defined for the device type or health checks have been disabled for this device type.
  • Bad - temporarily not available for scheduling due to a health check failure. Test jobs can still be submitted. If no other devices of this device type have Good or Unknown health, test jobs will be held in the Queue.
  • Maintenance - temporarily not available for scheduling due to a
    manual admin action, possibly for short term maintenance. Test jobs can still be submitted. If no other devices of this device type have Good or Unknown health, test jobs will be held in the Queue.
  • Looping - an administrator mode which continuously submits a health check each time the previous health check completes, irrespective of how that health check finished. This is used to test health checks, devices and infrastructure. Looping is particularly useful to provide data to assist when triaging intermittent test job, device or infrastructure failures.
  • Retired - the device may have been relocated to another server, or failed due to a hardware fault or some other physical problem with the device. Contact the device owner or the user with physical access for more information.

Edit device description

Administrators can edit a free text description of this individual device. Suggested content includes more information about the specific device, the reasons for restricting submissions, information about the device owner and the purposes for which the device is used etc. Text can include links to external sites for more information.

It can be particularly useful to expand on the Device Capabilities Support by adding details which cannot be easily identified at runtime, e.g. big.LITTLE details or particular hardware features available on this specific device.

Restrict submissions

Administrators can restrict devices so that new job submissions will only be accepted from the device owner. If the device owner is a group, any user in that group will be able to submit new jobs.

Any currently running jobs will complete normally, unless the device owner cancels the job.

Administrators are strongly recommended to edit the device description in such a way as to explain why the restriction is necessary and how long the restriction may last.