LAVA currently only has official support for Debian packaging. Additional support
for other distributions needs someone to maintain the packaging and to maintain a
test instance, provide backports and manage migrations to new upstream releases
of dependencies like python-django
Aimed at apache2.4 with comments for apache2.2 usage. Edit where necessary and then enable and restart apache to use.
lava | meta-package for single instance setup |
lava-dev | meta-package for developers to build LAVA |
lava-server | apache and WSGI settings and HTML content |
lava-dispatcher | dispatches jobs to devices |
Take note of the Debian dependencies - not all are available with pypi and not all are necessarily available in your distribution. A large part of packaging LAVA for a distribution is taking on the maintenance of a variety of dependency modules and packages which do not (yet) exist in the distribution.
Depending on how the distribution is organized, it may take a significant amount of time to get the dependencies uploaded and available in the appropriate suite, release or location. Many of these dependencies will also depend on new packages, so the order of uploads will have to be identified in advance.
The web application itself is handled within apache, so to refresh the code running behind the front end, use:
$ sudo apache2ctl restart
has also been renamed from an instance-specific name to
. lava-server manage
can also be run as a normal user or by
root. The system user is used just for the filesystem permissions.
There are also daemons for the lava-master
and the lava-worker